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Role Models

Brittney Griner

Michael Jordan

Brittney Griner is a role model of mine because she is a strong basketball player. She goes to Baylor for college. Going to Baylor or UW Madison is a goal of mine. Griner shows that tall people can be just as great as smaller people. I think Griner is a great role model for every basektball player.

Michael Jordan is another role model of mine because he will go down as one of the best basektball players of all time. When Jordan played he brought his game and made the game fun for everyone. He lead his team to victory and proved he can do anything.

I have many other role models. Two other role models I have are my older brother and a teacher of mine. My older brother has taught me a lot about sports, I would not be as good at school or as good at sports without him. My teacher played basketball in college and was in the NBA for a day. He teachs me to be a leader and work hard. Thank you to all my role models who have made a big difference in my life.

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